Create a blogger HTML sitemap for all blog posts and for specific label

Creating a sitemap for your blog or website will give instruction to search engine to crawl your web pages. If you are using blogger platform then you will be happy to know that blogger has created a sitemap for you. You can see it by typing http://your_blog_name.blogspot.com/sitemap.xml. Put your own blog URL to see the sitemap.

    It is seen that site/blog with a sitemap is more popular than site with no sitemap. Sitemap also help your visitor to look for posts they are looking for. This also increases your page view.So, don't waste your time and learn how Create a blogger HTML sitemap for all blog posts and for specific label.

How to Create a blogger HTML sitemap for all blog posts ?

As I already mentioned that you can either create sitemap for whole contents or for single label. First section will cover for all posts sitemap. Lets follow the simple steps.

(1) Login to blogger.com

(2) Select your blog to visit blogger dashboard.

(3) Now click on "Pages".

(4) Click on "New page"

(5) Now click on "HTML" view.

(6) Now add the following code in post body.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var numposts = 100;
var standardstyling = true;
function showrecentposts(json) {
  for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) {
    var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
    var posttitle = entry.title.$t;
    var posturl;
    if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
    for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++) {
      if (entry.link[k].rel == ‘alternate’) {
        posturl = entry.link[k].href;
    posttitle = posttitle.link(posturl);
    if (standardstyling) document.write(‘<li>’);
    if (standardstyling) document.write(‘</li>’);



(7) Don't forget to replace studyinfozone.blogspot.com with your own blog URL

(8) Now click on Publish and you are done.

How to Create a blogger HTML sitemap for a specific blog label ?

Applying the following code you will be able to show only sitemap from a specific label.
Perform 1 to 5 steps as you did earlier and just add the following code.

<script type=”text/javascript”>
var numposts = 100;
var standardstyling = true;
function showrecentposts(json) {
  for (var i = 0; i < numposts; i++) {
    var entry = json.feed.entry[i];
    var posttitle = entry.title.$t;
    var posturl;
    if (i == json.feed.entry.length) break;
    for (var k = 0; k < entry.link.length; k++) {
      if (entry.link[k].rel == ‘alternate’) {
        posturl = entry.link[k].href;
    posttitle = posttitle.link(posturl);
    if (standardstyling) document.write(‘<li>’);
    if (standardstyling) document.write(‘</li>’);
<script src=”http://studyinfozone.blogspot.com/feeds/posts/default/-/Label%20Name?orderby=published&amp;alt=json-in-script&amp;callback=showrecentposts&amp;max-results=999″></script>

Replace http://studyinfozone.blogspot.com with your own address and change Label%20Name with your own label name.
[N.B: If your label has any space then put %20 between each word]

Hope you have successfully created the html sitemap for your blog. Any problems you faced or any suggestion you want to give is always welcome.


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